Anamosa Journal-Eureka
About Us
The Journal-Eureka is the oldest, continuous business in Jones County, celebrating its 160th birthday in 2015.
The publication originally began as two papers: the Anamosa Eureka, founded in 1855 and the Anamosa Journal, which started in 1872. At that time, the Eureka was a Republican newspaper, while the Journal represented the Democratic viewpoint.
The newspapers remained separate until 1979 when they merged into the Journal-Eureka. The publication maintained the Journal's Thursday publication day.
The newspaper began digital production in 2004 and the website was added in late 2005 and updated in 2013.
The Town Crier, an area shopper, produced alongside the newspaper, began in the 1960s. It is distributed for free to more than 11,000 homes in Jones County and parts of Linn and Cedar counties.