Aquin Little Angels Early Childhood Center & Preschool

0 Open Jobs

Primary Contact
Joan O'Connell

About the Company

Aquin Little Angels Early Childhood Center & Preschool is affiliated with Aquin Elementary school and the St. Thomas Aquinas Pastorate. Aquin community strives to achieve excellence in the areas of education, intellectual, spiritual, and moral development, and we aim to reinforce these concepts to our younger generation. Aquin Little Angels Early Childhood Center & Preschool is a unique facility committed to providing early childhood education in an environment that maintains the feeling of home. With organization and structure designed to meet each child’s individual needs, staff encourages child participation in the teaching of everyday life skills and believes in the development of life-long learners.

As a center, we strive to build on the values that parents have already begun to instill in their child, as well as assist in meeting the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive needs of each child. It is our goal for each and every child to reach their fullest potential, and will do all that we can to realize this goal.

We believe that children learn best by active exploration in a child-centered classroom, and that our role as educators is to help young children use the environment productively so the children see themselves as successful and capable learners.

Primary Contact
Joan O'Connell
Kathy West
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